Privacy Policy

Policy for Protecting Personal Data  

Privacy Policy

Τhe website (referred to in the remaining text as is responsible for the use of personal data on the website of the company Blue Brown Properties OE, which is based in Glyfada, at 16 Pandoras St., T.K. 166 74; its telephone number is 210-8948048, and its e-mail address is: Blue Brown recognizes that the protection and security of your personal data is very important and that it is bound to respect and protect this data.  The present Statement of Secrecy and the Protection of Data of a Personal Nature presents the manner in which the Company uses your personal data, as well as the measures it has taken to protect and safeguard this data. is broadly  engaged in research regarding the best protection of personal data during the processing of user’s information, which is provided during the visit, or use of our  website services, with the development and application of technological  measures to prevent the possible unwanted use by some users of others’ personal information, in order to ensure that it is used in accordance with the rights, freedom and dignity of the users’ personal  information, with special reference to their privacy and personal identity.
Users are requested, even if they have also done this in the past, to read the updated terms of our policy of website secrecy, in order to inform them of the information collected when they visit the website and use its internet services, how they can also be used to communicate, how this information can be protected and what are their rights.  With a visit to the website and the use of internet services, our users are provided with access to the collection and utilization of the personal data therein, as described in detail in the present chapter regarding Secrecy Policy. 

Collection of sailing data

The information systems, the processes and computer techniques that regulate the functioning of our website, select certain personal data, the collection of which is automatically carried out by the mechanisms of access and operation, such as the forms and protocols that are used on the website http/https.  
Every time the user is connected to the website, every time he or she seeks content, and every time they proceed to an action, their access information is recorded automatically on our internet site in the form of an archival screen or linear data.
This category includes data such as IP or Proxy addresses, the domain names of the users’ computers, which are connected to the website through the user’s search program in the form of a URI (Uniform Resource Identifier), the date and time the request is submitted to the carrier, the method used to submit the request to the carrier, the amount of data, the response code that reveals the state of the carrier, the duration of the visit, the pages that were visited, as well as information about the time and frequency of the use of our services, as well as other parameters regarding the operating system and the user’s computer environment.
This data can be used by for the sole purpose of acquiring anonymous statistical information regarding the use of the website and the application used to identify the pages and services that the user prefers.
At the same time, the above data can be used to investigate responsibility in the event of offensive behavior and committing of penal offenses to the detriment of the website or its users.

Categories of users

Regarding the use of the website, users are distinguished into two main categories: the private users who are interested in the purchase through our company or the assignment of some financial assets for sale or leasing through our company or the assignment to professionals in the field of purchasing real estate, such as real estate agents, construction companies and other such professionals and businesses in the field.
Most private users can have access to certain services anonymously (such as the search for real estate), whereas for other services they must be registered before use. Professional users have access to the services offered to them always after their enrollment.

Categories of data

The categories of data that we can process are:
Data regarding use, i.e. data that we have selected from visitors and users of our web site, including the IP address of the proxy, the browser that it uses, its publication, its operating system, its origin, the length of the visit and the pages visited, as well as information regarding the time, frequency and motives for the use of our services.
Account data, i.e. the given and family name, telephone number, and email address that the user has submitted to us.
Profile data, i.e. the access data that users have selected to identify themselves and permit access to their account.  
Service data, i.e. data from the use of the website and its services.
Public Data, i.e. data that has been published using the website or its services.
Supporting data   i.e. data that some user has sent us in support of some request or doubt related to the website and its services.
Data regarding notifications, i.e. data with which users are informed of new information bulletins, and related information that may be of interest to them.

The Purpose of Processing

The data selected through our website is utilized in an entirely legal way and in accordance always with the principles of proportionality, legality and within the framework set by the relevant provisions of EU 679/2016 regarding the General Rule for the Protection of Data, and will be used strictly and solely to achieve the best possible supply of our services and to improve the users’ time on our website.
In addition to the automatic collection of piloting data mentioned in the previous paragraph, the user has the right to provide at will  personal information that will be selected by exclusively through the completion of a specific field of access  to forms of communication which are proposed for users to introduce their data on the website.  The forms of communication are of a different kind, according to the type of service that the user intends to employ.
For professional users, selects their personal data from the area’s website in the form of enrollment and/or the administrative system for professionals.
In many applications and services of our website, users have the opportunity to pass on personal information (e.g. his or her electronic postal address, name, telephone number, postal code, and other personal data). This data is sent voluntarily and explicitly and includes any data necessary for the purposes of the particular service. The personal data that the user provides will be recorded and stored in protected electronic places, and will be used in conjunction with the safest and most appropriate security measures.
Sending messages through the electronic post office to addresses that presumably exist on the website requires the sender’s acquisition of the personal data of the holder of the electronic post office address.  This electronic post office address, together with other personal data gathered, is necessary in order to respond to the requests sent and to provide the specific services requested. 
The data will be submitted for processing, in electronic and/or printed form, mainly through the use of automatic processes, whereas the processing in question must be carried out directly, by either the responsible party ( or by an external collaborator carrying out the project on behalf of the responsible party, or by a third party regarding the person responsible, according to the contents of article 4 of the General Rule regarding the Protection of Data of EU 679/2016.
Appropriate safety measures are provided to avoid the unconventional or illegal use of data, their loss or access by unauthorized persons.  Data are not gathered from the website without the consent required, in cases where they do not serve the provision of some service.
Need for specific consent
During the use of some of our website services, the personal data provided by the user (communication information) can be communicated to third parties if necessary to reach an agreement within the context of trusting some financial information to our company.
According to the provisions of the General Ruling of EU 679/2016 for the Protection of Data, but also in accordance with the various provisions of national laws, as every time these provisions are applied to the use of personal data, the user will be asked in particular to provide obligatory assent to the processing and communication of this data, and the selection of a special box bearing the phrase “I accept”.

Nature of data provided

The provision of data is optional, but in the event of refusal to provide the personal data required for carrying out the service in question, it will not then be possible to carry it through. In the event that this data is not necessary, the person responsible can fulfill the requests and carry out the necessary services mentioned in the paragraph above.
Methods of processing data according to the provisions of the General Rule for the Protection of Data of EU 679/2016
The person responsible will process the data in accordance with the provisions of the European Union’s General Rule for the Protection of Data, EU 679/2016, and anything related to the relevant national law in force, securing full conformity with these legislative provisions, but also with anything relevant to this object (protection of personal data), conventional provisions requiring agreement by the parties, by either the user or the person responsible for our website. The recording and processing of the data will be done and posted on an electronic computer, within the context of the principle of proportionality and always within the regulations of the aforementioned purposes and, in every case, for the security and confidentiality of personal information.  The person responsible will process this data either directly and in person, or using the services of third parties who will act as administrators, local or possibly outside its structure, or as representatives, always on behalf of the person responsible for processing (
According to the existing legislative regime and in particular according to the provisions of the European Union’s General Regulation for the Protection of Data 679/2016, a system has been activated to  identify undesired  correspondence in communications through the reply to the announcements placed at the disposal of the users.  The recorded facts can be verified, their primary purpose is to identify illegal activities or content that are not compatible with the General Terms of Use of our website, but under no circumstances were they to be processed or communicated to third parties for commercial or advertising purposes.

Data Security 

The data that has been collected and submitted to processing must be protected using natural and logical methods, so as to reduce the dangers of unauthorized access and the dissemination, loss and destruction of data, in accordance with the relevant provisions. takes all the necessary technical and organizational measures to secure and protect the user’s personal data from loss or destruction, accidental or otherwise, as well as the non-destruction or loss caused by unauthorized amendments, also the revelation or access due to any other illegal processing of personal data that are utilized. However, despite its good faith and every possible effort by our website to store users’ personal information in a safe functional environment that is not open to the public, it is noted that there is no complete or perfect security, and cannot guarantee that there will be no accidental revelations of the user’s personal data. The user must immediately inform our website in the event that his or her communication data has been lost, stolen or used without his or her permission.  In such a case, we will remove the user’s communication data from his or her bill and will inform our archives accordingly. retains the right to proceed – indicatively and not restrictively – to actions such as: a) recording and storing the visitor-user’s every website communication,  including email messages and questions or replies to its staff, customers or other persons, b) investigation of any complaint in the event that some communication does not conform to the terms and conditions required for its use and the decision, during its tactful opportunity to withdraw or to demand the  withdrawal of such a communication, c) withdrawal of photographs, objects and information generally that does not conform to the terms and prerequisites for their use on our website d) the expulsion of registered members, when they do not conform with the terms and conditions of the use of our website after their relevant warning (notice).
We select and retain your personal data for as long as the law requires within the context of any contractual relationship with you. is not responsible for the content and compliance with the Regulations regarding confidentiality on a website that it does not manage.

Transfer of data

The personal data collected through our website and our use of it may be transferred beyond the borders of Greece, solely and exclusively in order to perform the services that are requested through our website and in accordance with the terms of the present policy of   secrecy and the special regulations of the EU’s General Ruling for the Protection of Data of in the European Union 679/2016. Under no circumstances does sell the personal data of its user, while during their communication with third parties, within the framework of the aforementioned services, this becomes exclusively and solely to fulfill the purposes that are scheduled under the present policy and provision of its website services.

Information related to the cookies, the search engine and its location

The cookies were designed to speed up the analysis of movement on the web and to facilitate piloting and the users’ access to the services offered by the website. With the use of cookies, personal data are not communicated or acquired and systems for identifying users are not used. If users do not want their information to be collected in this way (through the use of cookies), they can apply a simple process in the pilot program that permits refusal of the function of cookies (Incognito mode).
The information regarding proposals for real estate that are included on the website and their application will be visible on requests made through the internal search engine and will be available on the known search engines  as well as on the website that permits access to the list of its contents by third parties. The search results on the website’s search engines are not run by the website but the user can refer to the removal of the page and request information from the stored copy directly through the search button.

Duration of processing

The processing of data will not last longer than necessary to fulfill the purpose of its collection, i.e. storage of the search criteria, the notification, publication of announcements and contact with the professionals who meet the user’s criteria.
The processing will last until the interested party decides to cancel data that has been inserted, by contacting the person responsible for data processing.
Also, it will be possible for it to last for as long as necessary to retain the personal data that were found to comply with our legal obligation or to defend our legal interests with respect to the Courts.

User’s rights

The legislation protecting personal data provides the interested user with specific rights. In particular, the user has the right to receive confirmation of the existence or not of personal data, even if he or she does not yet have the right and that these facts are made available in an understandable form.
He or she can also ask to be informed of the origin of the data, the identity and communication details of the person responsible, for whom the personal information is intended and the recipients or categories of recipients of its data, and the period during which the data was saved and other issues related to article 13 of the General Regulation for the Protection of Data by the EU 679/2016.
He or she can also ask for their data to be deleted, or corrected, and that its processing be limited, that they should be informed about the aforementioned, the receipt of these data in a structured, commonly used form and readable by machines for printing facts or the exclusion of data that has been subject to processing in violation of the law, to oppose reworking and automated decision-making.

Regarding doubts about the secrecy policy

If you have any doubt regarding the present political, or more general references to the activities of, you can communicate with us at our electronic address  or at our  postal address:  Pandoras 16, Glyfada, 166 74, or you can reach us by phone at 210-8948048.